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Principal's Message
Mr Mohammed Aalim Safih

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatu-Allahi Wabarakaatuh
I feel honoured to be given the position of the Principal at Al Hikma College. Being in the field of education for 33 years, I hope to utilise my experience and expertise to continue making positive changes to the lives of the children at Al Hikma College.
Teaching and holding executive roles in primary, middle school and high school has given me an understanding of how to smoothly merge the primary students into high school. My aim has been to educate the children towards being responsible, model Australian citizens who will and currently are contributing to the development and welfare of this beautiful country. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction when I meet my former students who are now serving as doctors, lawyers, engineers and in various other noble professions.
I believe that every child in a class is a jewel untapped. It becomes the responsibility of the educators to explore, expose and enhance their potential for them to shine. I intend to continue providing an Islamic environment that nurtures the spiritual and emotional needs, teach them life skills, keep abreast with the ever changing educational issues and do more charitable work and community volunteering projects, Insha’Allah.
We will also be focusing on enhancing teaching excellence and practice through professional development and working to ensure our academic curriculum meets the highest standards. We recognise that in order to be successful in school, students need support from both, home and school. A strong partnership with the parents will make a huge impact in academic, social and emotional progress of the children. As partners, we will continue to share these responsibilities to get the best results for our children.
Mr Mohammed Aalim Safih